World cuisine
Recipes from all around the world
Famous dishes by region
Learn every famous recipe from your favourite region
Famous European dishes
What are the most famous European dishes in Germany, France or Norway? Risotto, croque-monsieur, salmon, escalope viennoise… All these European dishes are delicious, but are they popular? Discover the result of this survey with our articles.
Asian dishes
Asia never ceases to delight your taste buds as a gourmet and tirelessly curious. From the classic Chinese recipe of Cantonese rice to Japanese makis, Vietnamese bo bun, a Thai salad and Korean ban chan, you will love Asian culinary flavours.
African flavours
Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Somalia or Senegal? Immediate boarding for a festival of African delicacies that will make you want even more! Ancestral flavours and unexpected mixtures, all the colours of the African sun invade the plates with the magic of a simple recipe.
A culinary journey
Let yourself be amazed by exotic flavours
You like to travel but the opportunities are too rare with the small hazards of everyday life and the constraints of work or family? A good idea is to bring the world to your home! How can you do that? Quite simply by testing recipes from elsewhere with sometimes unknown flavours. Discover spices, exotic fruits and surprising foods you’ve never heard of before.
You might be surprised by this real feeling of disorientation, and by a culinary journey that begins right from the preparation stage when the unusual and pleasant smells gradually fill your home. Why not give yourself a challenge: take a trip around the world with a few recipes!
Exotic recipes are the way to go!
Travel the world through cuisine
Every region’s most famous dishes
Travel while eating
Travelling with cuisine is possible! Africa, Asia, America, Europe, every continent is full of products and specialities. We embark on a journey of flavours with colourful recipe ideas that have travelled around the world, that awaken all 5 senses and that can be savoured and identified with your eyes closed!